Dear Reader (yes, I know who you are), it is time to get a little piece of information out of the way. If I am to continue with this ridiculous "writing about life/myself/other people" schtik on the internet, I must get this off my chest.
I am a nerd. Like, hardcore.
ZOMG shock horror lol!!!1!! Blogger admits to being a nerd! Who would have seen that coming? Isn't the internet solely populated by cartoonists, nerds, gamers and porn? I'm playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radience on my Nintendo Gamecube as I type, with Jeph Jacques' Questionable Content open in one of my tabs, in Opera 10.51. Next to me are 3 books: Star Trek Concordance, Star Trek Phase II the lost series and A.B.C WARRIORS The Volgan War volume 01. Not 3 feet away from me is a bag from Tombland Books, containing a KJV Bible complete with Apocrypha and a book of the Complete Letters of J.C.W.T. Mozart. It formerly contained a book of psalm chants and a Critical and Biographical study of Thomas Weelkes.
This is the thing. I am a nerd about so many things at once that it boggles the mind. Like, seriously. One often wonders how I can go without wearing a shirt with my entire pen collection stashed in the pocket every day...
For instance, I just sent dear old mummy home (after her quick trip down for the opera) with my VCR and DVD players, alongside my video collection, which included the first 8 Star Trek Films and Episodes IV-VI of Star Wars, in the gold special edition box set released in...1998? Also, my £400 Great Coat is safely back in Derby. Who the hell just casually owns Star Trek films anyway? Especially on video? Next year I'll bring my Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy with me as well. Not the ponderous film adaption, but the classic BBC series. And if I'm questioned, as I obviously will be, I'll just say it's an integral part of this country's Science Fiction Heritage. Because it is. Reading that back, I must have typed that with milk bottle glasses and a massive overbite.
And thinking about it, my overbite is pretty substantial, but I feel I manage to get away with it.
Ok, so being a Trekkie on the quiet is pretty standard for a nerd. Let's take this to the fridge. I've followed Questionable Content more-or-less since it started (I joined early but went back to the start as well), so that's 7 years of dedicated reading, 2 days, then 3 days, then 5 days a week for 7 years. I haven't bought any of the Merchandise yet, but don't think I won't. I also follow Commissioned, Dresden Codak, Sam & Fuzzy, XKCD, PVP, Reprographics and Least I Could Do religiously. If I miss a few days I'll backtrack. Not only that, but I follow the artists/creators on Twitter, and I even follow Yelling Bird because god help me it is so funny. Eventually, I'll improve this blog post when I learn how to HTML code again, and get all the links in so you can click on the names instead of googling them, or whatever.
I buy Transformers off eBay, and while preferring G1 rather like the movie designs even though they're horrifically impractical for toy design. I am salivating wildly at the prospect of purchasing War for Cybertron and actually being Optimus Prime, if in a figurative sense. IT'S GOING TO BE OFF THE HOOK. I actually cannot adequately describe how much I love Transformers, right down to the last 'bot and 'con, but especially Grimlock. He IS Badass in physical form. As is the Batman! Man, this gets worse. Should I keep going? Hah! If you're reading this anyway you must have some sort of inkling of my unholy geekdom.
I enjoy Chess, and actually miss playing regularly. I have problems with Tetris addiction. I own my own Dice bag, and know enough D&D basics to fight my corner in a quest. I used to collect Warhammer 40K (Dark Angels). Terrible, isn't it?
Musically, I'm just as bad, which is once again, pretty standard for a music student. Equal Temperament is for suckers, and Valotti is for the weak. Johann Sebastien Bach got thrown into prison in Weimar for getting into a fight in public. Orlando Gibbons died of a stroke, Nicholaus Bruhns could improvise a bass line on the Pedals and play solo Violin over the top. Samuel Pepys was a Flageolet player. Handel learned to play keyboard on a Spinet in his attic. Blah blah blah...
I could go on. In a totally specific way about absolutely everything. All the time. So I just thought I'd let you know, I'm a bit of a nerd. How the hell do I show my face in public? Answers on a postcard to the usual address...
p.s. If you can find the DK reference you get points.
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