Thursday, 8 July 2010

Vignette V

You know how it is.  

After a while, you get tired of it all.  And you sit down.  And just for laughs, you make a list.  A list of all the things you want in someone you'd want to be with.  You know what I'm talking about.

You want to find someone who's smart, charming and funny, who has a voice you want to listen to, who's attractive...tall?  Why not.  Let's put tall down on that list too.  You know.  My list.  Someone who is at least prepared to make the effort to try and understand.  Someone who likes art and books and music, not necessarily like I do completely, more complementary.  I'd only get competitive anyway.  I guess long hair's on that list too.  Good manners, nice hands...whatever.  You know, someone you feel that you can trust.

And you look at the list again.  It ticks in the back of your head for a second and a beat passes...but you think nothing of it.  You put the list away and go about your business.

A week or so later, you find the list in a pile of papers.  Or maybe you don't.  Maybe you never wrote it down.  I don't.  I can't remember what reminded me.  A smell or a colour, perhaps.  A song or the feel of the wind.  Details.

Another beat passes and you suddenly realise that the person you've been having casual coffee mornings and the odd lunch out with at least once a week for the last 4ish months just ticked all your boxes.  Would you look at that.

In the end, because there's always an end, you find out that they exercise their right to choose to remain friends and only friends, a decision you abide by out of sheer respect  for their honesty.  What happens next is anyone's guess, but if history is our guide, they move on from this awkward episode, meet someone else for whom it all works out, settle down and gradually forget you, while you do not.  

Sorry, did I say you?  I meant me.

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