So. Nelson Court, eh? A ground floor, en suite flat in a (mostly...) quiet corner of campus, with 8 freshers. This is where the real work begins. Or has to begin anyway, if I'm ever going to salvage anything out of these three years...
I write this in the midst of one of my famous bad weeks. As a sufferer of depression, I usually put up a pretty good front, but like always, when one little thing goes wrong, it all goes down hill after that. Let's take this morning, for example. This very morning. I managed to wake up at half past four, on the dot. No joke. The next three hours were spent trying to get comfortable, and importantly keeping my eyes shut...but to no avail. I've now been up for oooo...far too fucking long. This has taken its toll on my already tenuous sense of humour and world-famous short fuse, and I'm now channeling my brother on the Tea-intake front. Not that that's actually a terribly bad long as my teeth stay this side of yellow anyway.
Today's stint in SocMart (Society Market? That'll do) in the LCR basically finished my poor sanity off, having repeated the same thing over and over again about UEA Choir to everyone that came up to me...ARGH. I was there for five hours straight, had one pint of Abbot Ale (When the student is ready, the Master will appear), one pint of Coca Cola (savour the flavour of capitalism), and one toilet break, after which I went for a wander round the LCR, having actually not seen what else was going off. Add to this the lecture I missed yesterday, and the half seven start I've got tomorrow morning, I really should have made more of the lack of activity I was so bored by Wednesday-Saturday of last week. Well, I say lack of activity. I mean, of course, other than having Mother dear run me about sorting stuff out and moving me in. I ended up going out four nights in a row, but managing to find a friend behind the UEA bar on two of those made it a little better, to say the least.
So now what? I'm still sorting out books and arranging the space allocated to me. I usually manage to over-steam the shower pod and run out of breath (hilair, I know) if I'm not careful, and shaving has become much easier with the liberal application of both new blades and a large mirror in the en-suite. Thankfully the new glasses have been a hit! I don't think anybody has seen the metal frames (outside of Spamcroft anyway), and to be honest I rather like the plastic ones more, even if they do rub against the back of my ear in that annoying way.
And tonight? Early to bed. I AM SUCH A BORING MAN. I have an Organ lesson at Spamcroft with the enigmatic J of N at 9AfuckingM, which means I have to be up, awake and dressed by 8 in order to make the bus into town. Bloody hell. This is NOT a regular occurrence, or more that I won't bloody let it become so. On the other hand I have Chamber Choir in the middle of the day, so Byrd a5 and Anthems by the original Funky Gibbons Orlando will go down a treat. For now though, it's just me, a lot of tea and the music of Tom Waits, veering wildly between visceral blues, spoken word and Piano based tear-jerkers. There's so much in his music that just...reaches out and strikes me unaware. From the Early Years' fresh voiced songs to the gravelled beauty of Picture in a Frame from Mule Variations, nothing disappoints.
So anyway. I'm still alive, even if I am in Norfolk now. I've lost a bit of momentum, but give me a few good days and I'll pick it up again. I want to try and get a weekly writing schedule for this ponderous blog, probably on a Friday-Saturday sort of thing, so I can wrap a week up with an acerbic critique of the preceding, and so I can bitch about how awful having to do things over and over at choir practice was while it's still fresh.
Everything will be ok though. I often find the most depressing thing about depression is talking about it, so I try to avoid it. Even typing makes it seem a little more real, so god help me each and every time I talk about it. No seriously. God, help me. Although a little mortal aid wouldn't go amiss either.
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