Friday, 23 August 2013


Thank God it's Friday? Right? Haha...

Today on the Schema, we're off to Gustavsvik, where the other Choral Bollards will be heavily invested with the Adventure Pool, and I will interest myself with some shopping for the two hours we have to ourselves. This will be the perfect time for me to fist my way through some Swedish language, and I will try and purchase some delightful souvenirs for goodlie friends and other swche persons. Maybe a postcard or two, I dunno.

After that, we will perform one of our one hour concerts (without interval), so I will obviously find joy in work, after Evensong the night previous (even though it's Howells' Gloucester...). It's quite difficult writing with the future in mind, as I have precious little idea how it'll all go really. What's the weather going to be like? How much will everything really cost? Isn't it... Exciting! I'm trying not to get too nervous about the trip, staying pretty buoyant and importantly, hopeful. I have a lot of hope, actually, not just for the year ahead, but just this week! Touring is always a difficult thing for me, it's not something I do often, and this is the first choir tour I'll be on that won't end up in Germany... And that's exciting enough in itself.

As my mood has spent most of this year oscillating violently back and forth, and I almost told the Boss that I wasn't going. I could have quite easily sacked this one off: as I don't go on tour, or fly very often, it isn't something I would miss terribly. But as the year sped on by, I eventually thought that in all truth, it would punish the Boss more than punish myself, and for saying that I'd never wish to do anything to trouble the man (who has already been good enough to put up with me in his choir), I re-evaluated my position, and thought that if anything it would be a sad way to end the year. I only want the bitter tang to be left in my mouth, not anybody else's!

It is with hope that I queue this. Hope for a good Friday, hope for a good weekend ahead, and hope for a fun time on tour, and I mean that wholeheartedly. As uncharacteristic as it is for me to be hopeful... Just go with it.

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