Oh I'm a cop-out and you know it...
The truth of the matter is that it is 3am on departure day. The rest of the suite is constructed and ready to go. All that remains is the gigue to go, and I've had an idea that will benefit the both of us.
Now, this immediate moment (in reality, not reading...) I will finish the preparations and finally pack the last into my case and then just get changed a little. I think I'll bring that leopard print throw, so I can use it as a blanket and then fold it into the case as necessary. I think I've got everything already, I just can't be sure...
Saving the close until I get back will solve the problem I've faced with not having enough to write about, as nothing has actually happened yet! By the time anything interesting does occur, I'll be far too fat from my laptop to do anything about it. How sad.
Maybe the Gigue will be a grande finale, unifying both tour and my very pretentious scheduling of posts. I can hear noise from below me, so it's time to go I'm afraid. The tour awaits.
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