Sunday, 25 August 2013

Menuet I

It's almost done now. Almost home though.

The Galant dances, the Menuets, the Bourees and the Gavottes were Bach's tribute to the more modern dances that were appearing, by placing them in his suites. As we come toward the end of the tour in reality, I will pull these two back to what's happening now. 

Right now?  Right now, this minute?  This minuet?  Sat in bed.  It's still 2am of the 21st of August here.  I'm still trying to pack effectively, something I find immensely difficult.  I look around at the partial destruction that has befallen my room, from having taken a trip to London previously, now this week, and then moving out.  I've just about managed to convince myself that this tour will be fine.  It's certainly been a long time since I've sung seriously before this morning's rehearsal that preceded the afternoon concert.  I must have everything?  Lunch is ready to go, the washbag's packed, I've got my cassock, all the shirts I'm bringing are in the case... Can't help but have that nagging feeling though...

Thankfully, the house is all but empty.  Although one still sleeps in the front parlour, as long as I'm quiet I can go about my business in the house both undisturbed and without disturbing anybody else.  The Boss is coming to pick us up at 3:30am; as long as I'm packed and ready I don't really care.  Or, more accurately, I've managed to convince myself that I don't.  Peering about my surroundings I still can't really believe how much of my stuff is here, even though all the books took up a good 6 crates altogether.  And the Bass Guitar.  And the little Banjo.  At least I don't have any furniture to take out this time OH WAIT THE BED.  

See, generally I am okay nowadays!  No really please believe me.  Honestly.  After the complete mental anguish of losing my phone (after all the troubles we went through to sort it out as well), I'd say on balance I've probably felt more delicate but have therefore made more of an effort to stay balanced, and I guess it's worked out well.  However, still not having actually become resident in my new abode is... Frustrating.  Trying to balance everything else along with me is taxing, and I can only hear people say "take one thing at a time" so much more before I flip.  Of course I understand that's the point!  It's just very difficult for me to process in order of ease, or prioritise, and that inability frustrates me immensely as well. (Only an hour til pick up at this exact moment.)

I really wish I could shift this nagging feeling though.  I'll have to get up in a moment to sort the water bottle out, so I can put paid to it then.  The biggest hurdle of this entire tour for me is the travel itself.  Follow this with the dread I have for moving everything else and myself after getting back, and I'm not looking forward to the next fortnight very much from that perspective.  I'm sure the process itself will be very simple.  I suppose that really I'm looking forward to it.   It'll be a new rhythm, and s fresh set of walls to get used to.  Gone will be the days of Scholarship, where people would barge into my room (that's what happened at boarding school), or hoot and giggle as they ran naked up and down the stairs at 2am. 

The one thing I must not do now though, is fall at the last hurdle, and go to sleep.  Not for another hour yet.  Come on...

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