Saturday, 18 May 2013

Author's Note

Just a quick aside - I don't expect many people to take too much notice of this actually, but I feel much better already even just typing.

Eagle-eyed readers and fellow bloggers following the Blog Every Day in May challenge will notice that not only am I quite behind, but I now seem to have missed a post entirely!  "Walk to Work" has fallen rather by the wayside for the simple reason that there was no work today - time off for good behaviour after four evening sessions for the new CD that Truro Cathedral Choir have recorded, featuring yours truly with a bar's worth of solo... As important it is to keep singing (a somewhat obvious choice for my profession), having a Friday (or sometimes Monday) evening off from Evensong can be extremely welcome - not least to the Lay Vicars who have to drive in from further out: Cubert, Penryn and Penzance immediately springing to mind.

I may actually break the habits of a life time, and present a video or picture blog instead of a huge and long winded description of my journey, unscripted and unprepared and with several unsuspecting guest stars.  Actually, the more I think about it, the more attractive it sounds... But there won't be much in the way of spare time on Sunday morning, that's for sure, and the attitude at Evensong is far more sociable.

While I may have had issues of unfamiliarity with alien titles, I'm really enjoying writing (almost) every day.  I really appreciate having to think about different issues, especially Life's a Lesson, without becoming overly bitter or too personal - I think I came out okay from that one.  Truthfully, I'll miss it, so I'll have to re-evaluate my writing schedule, and how I plan.  Perhaps I'll become even more like a writer rather than a performing musician, especially as I grapple with the issues surrounding my inevitable employment outside of the trade, and how things will change in September. 

It's the 18th of May now though, and I'm rather looking forward to getting to grips with the title ahead of me on today's schedule - Best Friends.  I have many who are in lots of different places; not only geographically but professionally, educationally, financially &c &c... There'll be a lot to write about, not that writing a lot seems to be a problem!  There will be the customary stat attack at the end of the month detailing just how many words I have written, and all sorts of other similar, facetious numbers.

Keep tuning in though, fans.  I will complete this month's titles, and I will continue to write upwards of 1000 words, because that is how I blog.  I got told today that I should think about writing a novel.  I wouldn't even have a clue where to begin with fiction, but as I was told/reminded, half of what I write anyway is partially fictional anyway... I'll definitely need to think about taking writing classes, but that wouldn't be a shame in the slightest, would it?

That's all.  For now.

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